
March 11, 2023 - 2 minute read -

Words. WORDS. WoRdS.

You can do a lot with words. Sometimes they mean what they mean, and sometimes they don’t. They might mean less than they mean. Or they might mean more. But words are simple. And words are complicated. Not all words are equal. But every word has its place. The same word is different when I say it and when you do. Words can make sentences. Words can make a blog. Words make this blog. Simple sentences have words. Wildly wordy sentences are often unbearably unwieldy verbiage, but occasionally, in certain rare contexts, but perhaps not as rarely as one might think, they are self-referential jokes, that also happen to be absolutely not sarcastic, at all. Occasionally is a hard word to spell. I messed it up three times before using a spell checker to fix it in the last sentences. Words exist (do they?), so where do they come from? People build words. Words build people. But words also break people. Words should be wielded carefully. People think in thoughts. But are thoughts words? Do thoughts change words? Do words change thoughts? Words change with thoughts: they mean what people think they mean. Sometimes they disappear from thought. Words die. Words are born. Usually from old words, but not always. Children often make up words. Adults sometimes make up words. Are they real words? Perhaps they become real words when enough people think of them. Are words the same as their meaning? If so, when their meaning evolves and changes, are they new words? Are new words are created all the time? I’m out of time. No more words.

Words. WORDS. WoRdS.