Words. WORDS. WoRdS.
Why Firelight? - Uzay
Last semester, a few friends and I started building a community called Firelight. Firelight is an MIT club of curious people who want to learn/build a lot of stuff outside of just their classes. Last semester, we ran lightning talks where people talked about stuff like the Punic Wars, Infinite Jest, ML interpretability, and seeing the stars.
Threads by Anon
Yesterday was Drop Everything And Read in 2W. Most notably I did not drop my laundry duties but I think that’s a very positive outcome. I had thoughts. I read Infomocracy.
What I'm good at and what I want to do better
I was talking to someone last semester and they told me I was pretty good at asking questions. I hadn’t really thought too much about this, and it kind of made me think: what am I good at? what am I bad at? And what do I want to do better.
Quirkiness as a lifestyle choice (or not) /s
What does it mean to be quirky? Let’s operationalize:
Ode to Objects - Will
The Merits of Mediocrity - Will
Having my head stuck in my own ass - Tara
This is the first blog post I’m writing since coming to MIT and I think it’s a really good way to kick it off. Basically this is me explaining how I realized how arrogantly ignorant I was towards the fact that I have so much more to learn and how little I know.
Doors - Mohit
Doors are weird.
the consequences of having a physical form - kai
I’ve felt disconnected from my body for a long time. The feeling that my body and I are one, that I am physically living in this world, comes only in brief flashes. This is made worse by my dislike of my body: it’s weak, skinny yet flabby, it holds itself in an almost limp position. There are some simple ways to make the problem better (exercise more? maybe find clothes I’m more comfortable in?) but in the end I think a lot of it comes down to how physicality and life itself are treated among young people today.
Class Planning - Will Hath
Choosing communities - Kai
A lot of people seem to share the experience that, soon after entering college, they find friends that they connect with and understand on a deeper level than in most previous relationships. This is an especially prevalent sentiment at MIT, where lots of people say things like “I finally felt normal/accepted here” or “I found people I consider family”.
This blog is a collection of posts written at the Firelight blogathon, on March 11th 2023. About 25 people contributed, writing one post each every 30 mins. Here are some of the bloggers that came (that had websites): Will, Uzay, Ali, Jeremy, Hanu, Lyricist. Firelight is an MIT club of curious people who want to learn/build a lot of stuff outside of just their classes, and that loves running little experiments like this one.